Business Education Financing Programs Provider Profiles

Maine Department of Agriculture

The Maine Department of Agriculture, Division of Market and Production Development The Department’s Division of Market and Production Development provides assistance to farmers, food processors, distributors and retail food stores throughout Maine. The Division also provides assistance for exporting. We provide one on one counseling and technical assistance to farmers, provide low interest loans, grants for promotion and new technology adoption, and provide generic promotion for Maine agriculture. We also support educational seminars and business planning courses, and work with industry groups in sponsoring the Agricultural Trade Show, Big E exposition and other industry events.

Contact:Mary Ellen Johnston , Director
Address:21 State House Station
City:Augusta , ME 04333-0021
Phone:(207) 287-3491
Fax:(207) 624-5576
EMail:[email protected]
Area Served:Maine
Counties Served:
  • StateWide
  • Services:
  • Business_Information
  • Economic_Development
  • Education
  • Market_Assistance
  • Technical_Assistance
  • Training