Grants and Loans for Agriculture: Agricultural Marketing Loan Fund
The Agricultural Marketing Loan Fund (AMLF) provides low cost financing to help farmers, food processors and aquaculture operations adopt new and innovative equipment and facilities in order to improve and enhance the manufacturing, marketability and production of Maine products.
Amount: 250,000
Exposure: The ALMF Program provides loan funds of 90% of total project cost, if project cost is $100,000 or less or 75% of total project cost if project cost in more than $100,000. In both cases the borrower must inject 10% equity in the form of cash or in-kind services. Maximum loan amount is $250,000. The interest rate is set at 5% for the life of the loan. An origination fee of 1% is charged at closing for all AMLF Loans greater than $100,000. The Borrower is responsible for all legal costs of closing the AMLF Loan. The term and payback provisions are negotiable and vary with the useful life of the assets being financed.
State of Maine
59 State House Station
Augusta , ME 04333
[email protected]
